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When you take NAC, take 2x a day. They are low enough dose not to hurt stomach much. Yet, I take my morning one with juice. OMG!! It made me feel better after DAY One! 


My brain turned on; I had initiative, drive, motivation, optimism. I got more done in Day One than I had done in 3 months.

 [ SCRATCH THAT! I GOT DIARRHEA, HAD TO GET OFF. i ]will write more tomorrow - Tuesday.


EMF (ElectroMagnetic Frequencies):

The second thing we need to do is lower your exposure to radiation. 


#1: You HAVE to cover those glass doors in your bedroom. Did you know that at mortuaries, they cannot leave a body in front of a mirror? Because it starts to deteriorate so fast. Mirrors magnify the radiation. It bounces off of them, over and over and over.


I had a hobby mirroring furniture. My room had so many mirrors, even my electrical plates were mirrored. Yet, I had to get rid of it. Koovy's hair fell alll out, again!


I will send you some radiation blocking fabric. I'm comparing qualities. It's expensive but critical to health. 


You also need a radiation proof pocket to keep the phone, or the graphene in the blood grows, in minutes.


When you protect something completely from electrical frequencies, EMF radiation, it's called a Faraday cage. Whatever is sealed inside the protective, conductive material (cage) cannot be affected by the waves.


I want to make Faraday clothes so much. But, the fabric is so expensive to try it yet. 


Cover your bedroom mirrors TODAY with thumbtacks and a sheet. 


This is how it works. The wave hits the barrier and cannot pass it. 



Faraday suit


This is TMI for now, but it gives you an idea how people radiation proof the house. They don't know that graphene paint is dangerous.


EMF Proof House



I will find you faraday netting to canopy your bed. I have to compare qualities. You don't have to buy canopy posts. I made mine by putting 4 pot holder hooks in the ceiling. Monte can do it. Then, you just hang the netting with ribbon. It's VERY pretty. It is AMAZING how much better I slept. I wish I could have afforded to do that for Koovy, tears.



This is just a sample of what they're like. Yet, I might can get just the fabric, much cheaper. Actually, the opaque material is quite cheap. It you put 3 sides in that, you could just have one panel with the expensive mesh. Then, you need something to lie on floor beneath bed, touching the sides of canopy.



canopy shield.png
canopy square.jpg


You need an EMF meter. Also, once you get the fabric I sent, you need to wrap your surge protectors in it. They send out signals and "dirty electricity".




Right now, you can wrap the surge protectors inside foil. Be sure to seal edges. THEN!!! You need to wrap that in fabric. You don't want the foil exposed because the EMFs will bounce off the foil onto you, on the couch.


An idea for hall mirrors is, dollar tree has rolls of contact paper. You could put those on the mirrors with double sided tape on the corners. 


FYI: You can remove ANY glue without damage with light fluid. It's good to keep some in kitchen to remove labels etc.


This is a good company:

Block-It Pocket


General Education Only:


This is health education:


HyperSensitive People:


Don't buy anything yet unless you want a blockit pockit. I have to see the meter readings on youtube to see if materials work. Some of them don't block much. This is all so expensive, the best thing is to get the fabric and DIY.  Yet, it takes time comparing everything. 


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Window shielding film.webp
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